
List of Current Journals

Book 1

Journal of Science

Jahangirnagar University Journal of Science – a multi-disciplinary journal of sciences, is published twice a year, in June and in December, by the Faculty of Mathematical and Physical Sciences. Every paper is double blind reviewed by at least one appropriate referee selected by the Editorial Board. The editorial objective of the journal is facilitation of knowledge enhancement related to studies in the various fields of Mathematical and Physical Sciences.

Book 2

Journal of Electronics and Computer Science

The Jahangirnagar University Journal of Electronics and Computer Science (JUJECS) is a peer reviewed journal which accepts high quality research articles. The journal is published annually by the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Jahangirnagar University, focusing on theories, methods and applications in Computer Science & Engineering, Electronics, Information Technology and relevant fields. The goal of the journal is to make the researchers familiar with the current trends of research in the abovementioned fields.